Teen Disciples of Oshkosh

We confidently believe that every child in the city of Oshkosh is called by name to accept God's loving mercy and to flourish by embracing His plan for their life.

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How It Works

  • Our main focus will be establishing small groups of 5-8 teens that are created through their input.
  • Each individual group will have the flexibility to decide when to meet each week (or bi- weekly) based on their scheduling needs.
  • Group leaders will be trained and equipped with a variety of faith topics and presentation styles, allowing each group to be personalized to teen's needs.
  • These small groups meet at various places around town: Father Carr's, Planet Perk, Menomonee Park, and even parent/parishioners' homes: anywhere we can talk openly, comfortably and safely.

When small groups join to create Large Groups

While the primary focus of Teen Disciples of Oshkosh is discipleship groups, this doesn't cover everything on its own. Large Groups and Community Outings are also offered. 

These include:

Game Nights

Outings to Local Area Attractions (mini-golf, bowling, etc)

Dinner or Ice Cream Socials

Service Opportunities

Lock-ins, Retreats, and Pilgrimages

More Information

Contact our Youth Ministry Department @ 920.233.8044 (x233), michael.wilms@raphael.org 
or stop in and visit us in the Youth Ministry room in the corner office.

How to Offer Support
Pray! Bring it all back to God and ask Him what gifts/talents He has blessed you with and how you can use those to serve Him and share His Love.