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Weekend Mass Times:

Sat 5pm

Sunday 8am & 10am, 5pm

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW): Sunday 10am

Parish Office Hours:

Mon-Thurs: 8am-4:30pm

Fri: 8am-1pm


920 233 8044  parish.office@raphael.org

Sign Up for our Parish E-mails Here

"I Think its Good to..Bring Your Family to Mass. 

Set Aside All the Hustles and Bustles Throughout the Week."


  • City-Wide Reconciliation Services will be available on Thurs, March 27 at 6pm (St. Jude), and Thurs, April 10 at 2pm (St. Raphael).
  • Fish Fry News: Fish Fry Dates are March 21, 28 / April 4, 11. Dine-In: 4:30-7pm, Phone Orders Taken: 4-6:30pm. Click to Access MenuInformation
  • Upcoming Holy Hours: There will be a Monthly Holy Hour on Thursday, April 3rd from 3:30-5:30 pm. Reconciliation will be offered throughout, or during part of these Holy Hours. There will not be a Second Sunday Holy Hour in April due to Palm Sunday. 
  • Easter Triduum Mass Times (April 17-20): Holy Thursday: April 17, 7 pm / Good Friday: April 18, 1 pm, 7 pm/ Easter Vigil: April 19, 8:15 pm / Easter Sunday: April 20, 7 am, 9 am, 11 am.
  • Bishop's Appeal 2025: Click here to donate, as well as learn more about how your generous gift impacts Faith Formation, Adoption, Mental Health, and other services in the Diocese of Green Bay. Thank you to those who have already given generously.
  • St. Raphael Apparel: Click here to be sent to the store. 


  • E-mail/Text Message Scam Notice!: St. Raphael priests and staff members will never send text messages or emails requesting money or gift cards because they personally need help, are in a foreign country, etc. Never respond directly to these messages. Please block the phone numbers and mark as spam. You are always welcome to contact the parish office (920-233-8044) or email parish.office@raphael.org to let us know about suspicious activity, verify if something is true, etc.
  • Facebook/Instagram Scam Notice!: All of our St. Raphael apparel is ordered through Squad Locker, and we do not personally tag people in posts. We deeply apologize if you end up tagged in posts that claim to sell St. Raphael clothing.  Please either disregard, or report by e-mailing our Communications Coordinator at megan.kugel@raphael.org.

Away from St. Raphael's due to:

Being homebound, having a medical reason, or caring for very young children or an infirm family member? 

Listen to our Sunday 8am Mass on 1490 WOSH. If you wish to listen online, visit 1490wosh.com, and click the red "Listen Live" button on the top menu bar.

Watch Sunday Mass (10:30am) with Bishop Ricken on WFRV-Local 5.


Visit masstimes.org to attend a Mass in your location