Bible Study

Study of the Sunday Readings with Fr. Dave Duffeck

2nd Saturday of the month, 8 am

Fr. Carr’s Place 2B

Reference materials and breakfast are provided at no charge. 

Please bring your own Bible.

Men’s Groups: 

A Joint Effort of the Catholic Parishes of Oshkosh

Esto Vir

  • Monthly Saturday morning men’s conferences

That Man is You

  • Breakfast, a presentation, and discussion

  • Wednesdays during the school year , 5:30–7 am, at Fr. Carr's Place 2B

Contact Deacon John Ingala at

for more information on both Esto Vir and That Man is You.

OYA- Oshkosh Young Adults

  • A joint effort of the Catholic parishes of Oshkosh, the Newman Center, and the Jesuit Retreat House
  • Connect with others, and find out about events through the Called app.