Bible Study

Study of the Sunday Readings with Fr. Dave Duffeck

2nd Saturday of the month, 8 am

Fr. Carr’s Place 2B

Reference materials and breakfast are provided at no charge. 

Please bring your own Bible.

Men’s Groups: 

A Joint Effort of the Catholic Parishes of Oshkosh

Esto Vir

  • Monthly Saturday morning men’s conferences

That Man is You

  • Breakfast, a presentation, and discussion

  • Wednesdays during the school year , 5:30–7 am, at St. Jude, Sacred Heart Site, in Leannah Hall

Contact Deacon John Ingala at

for more information on both Esto Vir and That Man is You.

OYA- Oshkosh Young Adults

  • A joint effort of the Catholic parishes of Oshkosh, the Newman Center, and the Jesuit Retreat House
  • Connect with others, and find out about events through OYA Facebook and GroupMe app. If you would like to join GroupMe, and do not know someone in OYA already, contact Megan Kugel ( for an invite.