
Below you will find information on each of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church and how to go about receiving each sacrament through St. Raphael. For more information regarding each sacrament and the process of receiving each, call the parish office at 920 233 8044 or fill out the Sacraments Form.


Baptism is the first sacrament of welcoming or initiation into our Church. It occurs by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the pouring on or immersing in water as the priest or deacon proclaims, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Through this action, the person is cleansed from all sin including original sin, reborn as a child of God, and welcomed into the Body of Christ, our Church. In baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit and also become co-workers with Christ in his ministry on earth as priest, prophet and king.

At our parish, our priests and deacons baptize infants, children and adults throughout the year.

Holy Communion

Communion is the sacrament of initiation which provides ongoing nourishment and strength for members of our Church. In this sacrament, also known as the Eucharist, we remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Christ acts in and through the priest, and through the words of consecration, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus. When we receive this Body and Blood, we enter into communion with him, one another, the universal Church and all our brothers and sisters in Christ who have died and whose souls now rest in him. 

Preparation for First Communion takes place in our religious education program during the second grade. In addition to regular weekly classroom preparation, families take part in a First Communion retreat where all members are invited into a deeper understanding of this sacrament.


  • Tuesdays 4:30–5:30 pm
  • Saturdays 3:30–4:30 pm (Not holy saturday)
  • 1st Thursday of the month during holy hour 3:30–5:30 pm
  • Wednesdays at 8 pm

Reconciliation is a sacrament of spiritual healing and conversion in which we strive to be in a healthy relationship with God, others, and ourselves. As a community of believers, we understand that we need to express our sorrow (contrition), name our sinfulness (confession), and make reparation (penance) for our actions. By the power of the Holy Spirit and the priest’s words of absolution, our sins are forgiven. 

Students receive reconciliation as part of the religious education program. For those who have already received this sacrament, reconciliation is offered individually each week from 4:30–5:30 pm on Tuesdays and from 3:30-4:30 pm on Saturdays. During the school year (Labor Day to Memorial Day), reconciliation is also available Wednesday evenings at 8 pm. Reconciliation is also offered during our monthly Holy Hour from 3:45–5:15 pm on the first Thursday of the month. Lastly, during the seasons of Advent and Lent, special reconciliation services are held where several priests are on hand to administer the sacrament to those who seek it.

To schedule a time for individual reconciliation, call the parish office at 920 233 8044.

Anointing of the Sick

The Anointing of the Sick is sacrament of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. It is for those who begin to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, for those with a grave illness, or prior to serious surgery. If someone's condition becomes more serious, the sacrament may be repeated. If possible, this sacrament is celebrated in combination with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. These sacraments strengthen us, give us courage, and offer us peace in the midst of life’s most challenging realities. Occasionally, our parish offers healing Masses where the sacrament is received among others in community. Our parish priests make themselves available to those who request this sacrament individually.

If your request is time sensitive, we urge you to call 920 233 8044 to set up a time for anointing. Our answering service can relay messages to our priests at any time of the day. Otherwise, please fill out the Sacraments Form.

Our next Anointing Mass is June 14th at 4:30pm. People receiving Anointing of the Sick are encouraged to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before hand. See above in the "Reconciliation" section for days and times. 


Confirmation is the sacrament of initiation that calls forth the fullness of the Holy Spirit to strengthen our relationship with Christ and the Church. Through the “laying on of hands” and anointing with holy oil, the bishop evokes the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and grant seven gifts: wonder and awe, reverence, understanding, right judgment, knowledge, courage, and wisdom.

Preparation for this sacrament is a continuation of religious formation that takes place throughout childhood, and is usually, but not always, completed within the junior year of high school. To prepare for confirmation, freshman and sophomore students enroll in religious education classes to learn more in depth about our faith and Church teachings, as well as participate in our high school youth ministry program. Then, in junior year, after having completed this course of study, confirmation candidates enroll in a course designed to prepare them to understand this sacrament and the gifts which are received from the Holy Spirit in it. 

For more information about high school religious education, visit the Religious Education Program Information page.


Marriage is a sacrament of vocation in which the Holy Spirit binds a man and woman in matrimony through the vows they make to each other. A priest or deacon witnesses the marriage on behalf of the Church, and a lifelong covenant is formed that parallels the relationship Christ has with his bride, the Church. This sacrament strengthens and binds couples in a lifelong relationship to remain faithful to one another, and to lovingly welcome children into their family through conception or adoption.

St. Raphael Catholic Church takes great joy in assisting couples prepare for their wedding day and continuing to support them throughout the entirety of their marriage and family life together. Engaged couples have the full support and resources of our pastoral team, meeting individually for marriage preparation with a priest as well as partaking in other formational opportunities. Mentor couples meet with the engaged couple to assist the couple as they grow in communication and mutual understanding through the use of the FOCCUS survey, and each couple also has the occasion to participate in a workshop or retreat to prepare them as they enter into this sacrament.

Requirements for a man and woman who desire to be married within our church are as follows:

  • One of the two engaged individuals has been a member of our parish at some point in their lifetime, or is willing to establish ongoing membership within our faith community. 
  • Both individuals are free to marry in the Catholic Church. That is, they either have not previously been married in any setting or any previous marriage has gone through the Church's annulment process.  

If you are planning on getting engaged, or are engaged now, please know that we are ready to be an active part of your marriage preparation! We can answer any questions you may have about this sacrament and your preparations for married life together. Contact us at 920 233 8044. You can also visit the website Catholic Wedding Help to assist you in planning a Catholic wedding.   

Already married but not married in the Church?

You may call to meet with one of our priests or deacons to discuss the possibility of entering into the Sacrament of Matrimony in addition to your civil marriage. This would be a new step in your relationship, asking the grace of God to be at work, and binding you and your spouse to vows before God. 

Previously married?

If you have been married and divorced, you may want to discuss the possibility of an annulment. An annulment process looks at whether the prior marriage had conditions missing for it to be a sacramental marriage. The annulment process is concerned mainly with the personal and spiritual aspects of marriage. It does not “erase” the civil contract, and it does not render children illegitimate. It merely states that after thorough investigation, the Church has decided that a marriage, as the Church understands marriage, was not valid. Deacon John Ingala, Fr. Matthew, Fr. Tom, Betty Schwandt and Tanya Hielke from our parish are trained to assist people in this process. Please call the parish office to set up a time to discuss this with one of them. If an annulment is granted, the person is then free to enter into a sacramental marriage.

Holy Orders

Holy Orders are a sacrament of vocation where men commit their lives to participation in Christ’s priesthood in a unique way. Through Holy Orders, sacred powers to serve God’s people are given. The three degrees or orders are bishops (shepherds, sanctifiers, teachers), priests (co-workers of bishops in the pastoral ministry in parishes), and deacons (not ordained to ministerial service but dedicated to service and charitable activities). Our parish holds very strongly its commitment to strengthen all individuals as they discover their vocational calling whether that is to priesthood, religious life, marriage, or single adulthood. If you have questions about Holy Orders or would like to speak with one of our parish staff members or spiritual directors about discerning your vocational calling, please contact us at 920 233 8044.